1 100 kV特高壓交流復合套管局放原因分析及改進措施
王賽豪1,史恒超2,秦政敏3,孫 英杰1,劉 龍1
(1 平高集團有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001;2 河南平高電氣股份有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001;3 河南平芝高壓開關有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001)
摘 要:1 100 kV特高壓交流復合套管在例行出廠試驗中出現(xiàn)局放超標問題,從耐壓設備、試驗場地、裝配過程、測量系統(tǒng)、元件質量等多個方面進行原因分析,完成套管局放定位,后借助有限元方法對該位置予以確認。綜合各種因素分析,局放產生的原因是由于空心復合絕緣子制造工藝的分散性,導致絕緣件內部出現(xiàn)缺陷,進而誘發(fā)局部放電。根據(jù)有限元分析結果,提出了雙層屏蔽結構優(yōu)化措施,重新制造樣機并進行試驗,試驗結果表明:優(yōu)化后的屏蔽結構,能有效提高套管的起暈電壓,降低局放水平,保證產品可靠安全運行。
中圖分類號:TM 216+.5;TM 853 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2017)09-0027-05
Partial Discharge Cause Analysis of 1 100 kV Extra-High Voltage AC Composite Bushing and Improvement Measure
WANG Sai-hao1, SHI Heng-chao2, QIN Zheng-min3, SUN Ying-jie1, LIU Long1
(1 Pinggao Group Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 46 7001, China;2 Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 46 7001, China;
3 Henan Pingzhi High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 46 7001, China)
Abstract: The partial discharge (PD) problem occurs in the 1 100 kV extra-high voltage AC composite bushing's routine factory test. This paper carried out the cause analysis from the respects, such as voltage test apparatus, test site environment, assembly process, test system, and component quality etc to complete the bushing PD location and to determine the location by the finite element analysis method. According to the synthesized analysis of various factors, it was found that the reason for PD was dispersion on composite bushing’s manufacturing process, which led to internal defects in insulators and caused PD to happen ultimately. Based on the finite element analysis result, this paper proposed the double-deck shield structure optimization measures to re-manufacture the prototype, carrying out test for it. The final test result shows that the optimized shield structure can raise bushing’s discharge inception voltage effectively, which reduces the PD level to ensure the reliable and safe operation for the products.
Key words: extra-high voltage bushing; partial discharge; double-deck shield; electric field analysis
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