1 100 kV氣體絕緣雙屏蔽復合套管優(yōu)化設計
河南平高電氣股份有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001
摘 要:分析了1 100 kV氣體絕緣雙屏蔽復合套管各組成部分對套管電氣性能的影響,建立數(shù)學模型,利用ANSYS軟件對復合套管電場分布進行了計算與優(yōu)化,優(yōu)化結果表明,在雷電沖擊電壓下,套管各部分電位分布均勻,套管內部及絕緣子表面場強滿足理論要求且裕量充足。該產品已通過全部型式試驗,滿足了各項技術指標及工程需要。
關鍵詞:1 100 kV氣體絕緣雙屏蔽復合套管;內部場強;電位分布;優(yōu)化設計
中圖分類號:TM216+.5 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)06-0027-03
Optimization Design of 1 100 kV Gas Insulated Double Shielding Composite Bushing
LU Peng, PAN Liu-dong
Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China
Abstract: This paper analyzed the impact of each component part in 1 100 kV gas insulated double shielding composite bushing on electrical properties of the composite bushing, established the mathematical model and used the software ANSYS to carry out calculation and optimization for composite bushing electric field distribution. The optimization result shows that under the thunder and lightning impulse voltage, each part of potential distribution was well-distributed and the interior of bushing and the surface of field intensity of insulators met the theoretical requirements with enough overmeasure. This product has passed the whole type test and fulfilled the engineering requirement of each technical specification.
Key words: 1 100 kV gas insulated double shielding composite bushing; internal field intensity; potential distribution; optimum design
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