(新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗研究院,新疆 烏魯木齊 830011)
摘 要:GB 7251.1—2013 中規(guī)定“一條電路的額定電流可低于安裝在這條電路中( 根據(jù)各自的器件標準) 的額定電流”,但是低于多少標準值并未給出。結(jié)合日常檢驗工作案例,分析了過度降容法確定低壓成套開關設備和控制設備額定電流存在的弊端,從用戶端的角度提出確定低壓成套開關設備和控制設備額定電流應采用“額定分散系數(shù)× 調(diào)整系數(shù)× 斷路器的額定電流”的方法,從而保證了低壓成套開關設備和控制設備過載保護功能的有效實施。
中圖分類號:TM591 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2016)06-0055-03
Determination of Rated Current of Low-Voltage Switchgear from Customers Perspective
CHEN Zhong-yuan, WANG Jing
(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, Urumqi 830011 , China)
Abstract: GB 7251.1—2013 mentioned “the rated current of a circuit may be lower than the rated currents of the devices (according to the respective device standard) installed in this circuit”, but the standard doesn’t give limits how much lower it can be.Combining with the routine testing work case, this paper analyzed the disadvantages of excessive reducing capacity method to determine the rated currents of low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies and proposed to adopt “rated diversity factor×modify factor×rated current of circuit-breakers” method from the customers perspective to determine the rated currents of low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies, so as to ensure the overload protection function of the low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies implemented effectively.
Key words: low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies; rated current; rated diversity factor; modify factor
[1] GB 7251.1—2013 低壓成套開關設備和控制設備 第1 部分:總則[S].
[2] GB 14048.2—2008 低壓開關設備和控制設備 第2部分:斷路器[S].
[3] 中國航空工業(yè)規(guī)劃設計研究院. 工業(yè)與民用配電設計手冊[K]. 3 版. 北京:中國電力出版社,2005.
[4] GB 7251.12—2013 低壓成套開關設備和控制設備第2 部分:成套電力開關和控制設備[S].