(平高集團有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001)
摘 要: 高壓開關(guān)狀態(tài)評估技術(shù)是智能高壓開關(guān)設備實現(xiàn)智能化的核心技術(shù)之一。介紹了聲學指紋技術(shù)及其在高壓開關(guān)狀態(tài)評估中的重要性,分析了聲學指紋信號所蘊藏的設備狀態(tài)信息,通過利用現(xiàn)代信息處理技術(shù)提取了判別機械故障的特征參量,初步實現(xiàn)了實驗室環(huán)境下基于多參量的高壓開關(guān)設備機械狀態(tài)評估系統(tǒng)。
關(guān)鍵詞: 智能高壓開關(guān)設備;聲學指紋;狀態(tài)評估;智能變電站
中圖分類號:TM643 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)09-0001-04
Application of Acoustic Fingerprinting Technology in Machinery Status Assessment for High-Voltage Switchgear
HAN Shu-mo, YIN Jun-hua, TANG Cheng, MAO Zhi-kuan, JIANG Xiao-xu
(Pinggao Group Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China)
Abstract: High-voltage switchgear status assessment technology is one of the key technologies to realize the true intelligent highvoltage switchgear. Introduction was made to acoustic fingerprinting technology and its importance in machinery status assessment of high-voltage switchgear. This paper analyzed the device status information hidden in acoustic fingerprint signal and extracted the characteristic parameters by modern information processing technology. The machinery condition assessment system of high-voltage switchgear initially achieved based on multiple parameters in laboratory environment.
Key words: smart high-voltage switchgear; acoustic fingerprinting; status assessment; smart substation
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