(1 山東科技大學 電氣與自動化工程學院,山東 青島 266590;
2 兗礦東華物業(yè)管理有限公司,山東 濟寧 273500)
摘 要: 介紹了環(huán)氧樹脂澆注干式變壓器噪聲來源,分析了噪聲的估算及測量方法和噪聲產生的主要原因,通過結合自行研究設計的低噪聲環(huán)氧樹脂澆注干式變壓器,提出了降低變壓器噪聲的有效方法,為設計低噪聲干式電力變壓器提供了參考。
關鍵詞: 樹脂澆注;變壓器噪聲;控制;干式電力變壓器
中圖分類號:TM412 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)07-0054-04
Noise Analysis and Control of Epoxy Resin Casting Dry-Type Transformer
SI Jin-li1, ZHU Zhi-qiang2, ZHAO Hong-chao1, CHEN Xuan-zhi1
(1 College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266 590, China;
2 Yankuang Donghua Property Management Ltd, Ji’ning 273500, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to the noises sources of epoxy resin casting dry-type transformers. Analysis was made to noises estimation, noises measuring methods and their main reasons caused by noises. Combining with home-researched epoxy resin casting dry-type transformers with low noises, this paper raised the corresponding effective methods to reduce transformers noises, which provides references for the design of epoxy resin casting dry-type transformers with low noises.
Key words: resin casting; transformer noise; control; dry-type electric transformer
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