(1 溫州供電公司,浙江 溫州 325000;
2 溫州電力建設有限公司,浙江 溫州 325000)
摘 要: 超聲波和暫態(tài)對地電壓TEV 檢測技術是開關柜局部放電檢測的兩種常用手段。在故障診斷時應用了這兩種檢測手段基礎上還引入了紫外成像檢測技術,并對這三種檢測方法進行分析比較。通過實際案例分析表明,紫外成像檢測技術在開關柜故障診斷可以提供有價值的參考數據,是其他兩種檢測技術的有效補充。
關鍵詞: 開關柜;超聲波;暫態(tài)對地電壓;紫外成像檢測技術
中圖分類號:TM591 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)07-0051-04
Actual Example Analysis of Switch Cabinet Fault Diagnosis Based on Various Test Technology
LIN Jian1, PAN Yi-wei1, NIU Chen-ling2, CHEN Yi-bin1
(1 Wenzhou Power Supply Company, Wenzhou 325000, China;
2 Wenzhou Electric Power Construction Company, Wenzhou 325000, China)
Abstract: Ultrasonic and transient earth voltage (TEV) test technologies were two common methods to test partial discharge of switch cabinet. In fault diagnosis, these two methods were applied and on this basis, ultraviolet imaging test technology was also introduced. This paper analyzed and compared these three test methods. The actual examples show that the ultraviolet imaging technology can provide valuable reference data for switch cabinet fault diagnosis, to be an effective supplement for the other two test technologies.
Key words: switch cabinet; ultrasonic; transient earth voltage; ultraviolet imaging test technology
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