Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2016-04-06 09:06 瀏覽次數:23


(福建省產品質量檢驗研究院,福建 福州 350002) 

摘 要:GB14711-2013《中小型旋轉電機通用安全要求》已于2013年底替代舊版標準GB14711-2006正式實施,“CCC”強制性認證和“CQC”自愿性認證中關于中小型旋轉電機的安全檢測將采用新版標準進行。針對新舊標準之間存在的諸多不同,分析了中小型旋轉電機新舊安全標準差異和相關換版要求,為中小型旋轉電機產品的檢測工作提供了保障。
中圖分類號:TM306 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2014)03-0055-04

Description and Reading of Standard GB14711-2013 “Medium an Small Type Rotational Motors General Safety Requirements” 

CHEN Qiu-rong 
(Fujian Province Product Quality Inspection Research Institute, Fuzhou 350002, China) 

Abstract: Standard GB 14711—2013, “Medium and Small Type Rotational Motors General Safety Requirements” had been implemented formally at the end of 203, in place of the old edition standard GB 14711—2006. The medium and small type rotational motors safety test in “CCC” forced certification and “CQC” certification on self-willing concerning would be carried out according to the new edition standard. Aiming at many differences between new and old standards, this paper analyzed the new and old safety standard differences and the related edition change requirements of the medium and small type rotational motors, which provides assurance for test medium and small type rotational motors.
         Key words: safety test; standard GB 14711—2013; standard difference

[1] GB14711-2006 中小型旋轉電機安全要求[S].
[2] GB14711-2013 中小型旋轉電機通用安全要求[S].
[3] GB755-2008 旋轉電機 定額和性能[S].
[4] 李秀紅,劉虹.變頻調速三相異步電動機發(fā)展趨勢分析[J].防爆電機,2002(4):47-48.