(1 中國農業(yè)大學 信息與電氣工程學院,北京 100083;
2 國網北京市電力公司,北京 102300)
摘 要:“煤改電”工程用電采暖替代企業(yè)和居民的冬季燃煤取暖,可以有效促進大氣污染的治理工作。以北方某地區(qū)的農村配電網為例,在深入分析低壓配電網現狀問題的基礎上,結合一個深山區(qū)農村“煤改電”試點工程,對使用家庭電采暖的農村低壓配電網建設工作進行了研究,提出了規(guī)劃與改造的基本思路和方法,給出了規(guī)劃電采暖的用電負荷和評價指標。經過試點工程的應用,驗證了規(guī)劃方法的實用性和有效性。
關鍵詞: 低壓配電網;規(guī)劃;電采暖;“煤改電”工程
中圖分類號:TM727.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)05-0001-05
Study on Rural Low-Voltage Distribution Network Planning with Coal-to-Electricity Project
GAO Ze1, CHEN Deng-ming2, YANG Jian-hua1, JI Bin2, FENG Xiao-ming1, ZHANG Liang2
(1 College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;
2 State Grid Corporation Beijing Electric Company, Beijing 102300, China)
Abstract: Coal-to-electricity project aims to replace coal-burning stoves for industrial and residential purposes with electric ones. Taking rural distribution network in certain area of North China for example, on the basis of analyzing the present low-voltage distribution network status, this paper studied the construction of the rural low-voltage distribution network for the home application of electric heating facilities by combining with the rural coal-to-electricity demonstration project in a remote mountain area. The basic planning and reconstructing idea method were presented and the load index of electric heating and the evaluation index in plan were given. The practicability and effectiveness of the method are verified through the practical engineering application of the demonstration project.
Key words: low-voltage distribution network; planning; electric heating; coal-to-electricity project
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