(國網(wǎng)四川省電力公司雅安公司,四川 雅安 625000)
摘 要: 根據(jù)故障時變壓器內部油氣量和電氣量特征,按照相關標準和試驗規(guī)程要求,以色譜分析和繼電保護動作特性為主線,結合一臺35 kV 變壓器開關接觸不良和一臺220 kV 主變重瓦斯動作兩個實例,對聯(lián)合診斷方法的準確可靠性進行驗證。實踐結果表明:聯(lián)合診斷可以準確地進行故障診斷和定位,具有良好的可行性和適用性。
關鍵詞: 變壓器;油色譜;電氣試驗;故障定位
中圖分類號:TM411 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)05-0025-04
Combination Diagnosis Example Analysis of Transformer Fault Based on Oil Chromatogram
(State Grid Yaan Company of Sichuan Electric Power Company, Yaan 625000, China)
Abstract: According to characteristics of oil-gas and electrical signals inside transformers when transformers faults take place and following the relevant standards and testing procedures requirements, the transformer fault combination diagnosis method was proposed based on taking the chromatographic analysis and relay performance as the main line. The combination diagnosis method has been verified by two examples of a 35 kV transformer switch poor contact fault and a 220 kV transformer heavy gas protection action. Practical results show that the combination diagnosis method could diagnosis faults and faults location accurately with good feasibility and applicability.
Key words: transformer; oil chromatogram; electrical test; fault location
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