(1 河南許繼儀表有限公司,河南 許昌 461000;
2 許昌智能繼電器股份有限公司,河南 許昌 461000;
3 河南許繼電力電子有限公司,河南 許昌 461000)
摘 要:光伏電池最大功率點追蹤(MPPT)算法種類繁多,但現(xiàn)有產品追蹤能力弱,控制過程追蹤速度和穩(wěn)態(tài)精度不能兼顧。搭建了光伏電池模型并進行仿真,尋找光伏電池對環(huán)境變化的響應特性,并通過響應特性尋找光伏電池達到 MPPT 狀態(tài)的電壓給定條件及給定趨勢,進而掌握 MPPT 控制機理。選擇擾動法 MPPT 技術搭建整體光伏系統(tǒng)仿真模型,總結了擾動法對響應速度及穩(wěn)態(tài)波動上的控制矛盾。設計了自適應擾動法 MPPT 控制策略并完成仿真模型搭建及仿真評估,結果表明,自適應擾動法 MPPT 控制能提高響應速度50%,穩(wěn)態(tài)波動減少77.5%,且實現(xiàn)簡單不需要附加測量設備及提高控制器性能。
關鍵詞: 光伏發(fā)電;光伏電池;自適應擾動法;最大功率點追蹤;響應特性;穩(wěn)態(tài)波動
中圖分類號:TM615 ;TM914.4 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2024)12-0048-06
Research and Evaluation of Adaptive Strategies for Photovoltaic MPPT
LU Xiao-guang1, LI Feng-ge2, LIU Wei-peng3, LU Li-jun1
(1 Henan XJ Metering Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China;
2 Xu Chang Intelligent Relay Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China;
3 Henan XJ Power Electronics Co., Ltd, Xuchang 461000, China)
Abstract: There are numerous maximum power point tracking(MPPT) algorithms for photovoltaic (PV) cells, but existing products exhibit weak tracking capabilities, failing to balance tracking speed and steady-state accuracy during the control process.Based on this, a PV cell model is built and simulated to find the response characteristics of PV cells to environmental changes, and through the response characteristics to find the voltage given conditions and trends of PV cells to reach the MPPT state, so as to grasp the MPPT control mechanism. Selecting the perturbation method MPPT technology to build the overall PV system simulation model, and summarize the perturbation method on the response speed and steady state fluctuations on the control contradictions. The adaptive perturbation method MPPT control strategy is designed and the simulation model construction and simulation evaluation are completed, and the results show that the adaptive perturbation method MPPT control can improve the response speed by 50%, the steady state fluctuation is reduced by 77.5%, and the realization is simple without the need for additional measurement equipment and improve the performance of the controller.
Key words: photovoltaic power generation; photovoltaic cell; adaptive perturbation method; maximum power point tracking; response characteristic; steady state fluctuation
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