(1 廣東水電二局集團有限公司,廣東 廣州 510000;
2 廣東粵水電能源投資集團有限公司,廣東 廣州 510000;
3 海南新豐源實業(yè)有限公司,海南 東方 572600;
4 徐聞縣粵水電能源有限公司廣東省博士工作站,廣東 湛江 524000)
摘 要:風力發(fā)電機飛車事故是風電場運營過程中的防控重點。圍繞海南東方市某風電場一起飛車事故,分析了飛車事故的原因,結合飛車防范要素,分別提出了無條件自控應急順槳的機組防飛車方法,對風機控制的頸部神經中樞滑環(huán)滑道及取電設置和配套軟件進行了優(yōu)化,并應用于風電場的全場風機中,取得良好的效果,可供類似風電場同行借鑒。
關鍵詞: 風力發(fā)電;風機飛車;變槳;安全防控
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2024)09-0039-05
Improved Safety Prevention and Control Methods for
Wind Turbine Overspeed Accidents
AN Jing-yu1, ZHANG Yuan-hai1,4, LIU Qin-huai2, HUANG Li-qin2, ZHANG Tian-wei3, CHEN Wen-zhao3
(1 Guangdong NO.2 Hydropower Engineering Company, Ltd, Guangzhou 510000, China;
2 Guangdong Hydropower Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510000, China;
3 Hainan Xinfengyuan Industrial Co., Ltd, Dongfang 572600, China;
4 Doctor Workstation of Xuwen County Guangdong Hydropower Energy Co., Ltd, Zhanjiang 524000, China)
Abstract: Wind turbine overspeed accidents is the key point of prevention and control in wind farm operation. This article focuses on an overspeed accident that occurred at a wind farm in Dongfang, Hainan, and analyzes the causes of the accident. By incorporating the key elements of overspeed prevention, it proposes a method of unconditional automatic control emergency feathering for wind turbine units to prevent overspeed accidents. Then, the slip-ring slide of the neck nerve center controlled by the wind turbines and the power taking settings and supporting software are optimized, it has been applied to the full-field wind turbine of the wind farm, and has achieved good results, which can be used for reference by similar wind farms.
Key words: wind power generation; wind turbine overspeed accident; variable pitch; safety prevention and control
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