(1 黃淮學院 智能制造學院,河南 駐馬店 463000;
2 河南鼎力電氣科技有限公司,河南 西平 463900)
摘 要:基于永磁材料磁滯特性,研制了一套適用于永磁記憶電機的永磁體調磁控制系統(tǒng)。分析了永磁體的調磁特性,針對永磁體調磁所需的瞬時強磁場特點,設計和制作了永磁體調磁控制系統(tǒng)的硬件電路。通過搭建軟件仿真和硬件測試平臺,完成永磁記憶電機內永磁體調磁控制的實驗測試和分析。實驗結果表明,該永磁記憶電機調磁控制系統(tǒng)具有實時性、精準性和有效性的特點。
關鍵詞: 永磁記憶電機;永磁體;調磁控制
中圖分類號:TM351 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2023)10-0053-05
Design and Test of Magnetic Control System of
Permanent Magnet Memory Motor
CHEN Zhong-xian1, ZHANG Wen-tao2, CUI Ying-jie1, LI Kang1, ZHANG Hao-jie1
(1 School of Intelligence Manufacturing, Huanghuai University, Zhumadian 463000, China;
2 Henan Dingli Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Xiping 463900, China)
Abstract: The paper, based on magnetic hysteresis of the permanent magnetic material, develops a permanent magnet magnetic control system for the Permanent Magnet Memory Motor(PMMM). After analyzing the characteristic of permanent magnet magnetic field regulating,the paper designs and manufactures a hardware circuit of the permanent magnet magnetic control system. Through respectively establishing platforms of software simulation and hardware testing, the experimental test and analysis of the permanent magnet magnetic control of PMMM is finished. The experimental results show that this permanent magnet magnetic control system is real-time, accurate and effective.
Key words: permanent magnet memory motor; permanent magnet; magnetic control
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