Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2023-06-30 10:30 瀏覽次數(shù):410


(愛啟(廈門)電氣技術有限公司,福建 廈門 361006)
    摘 要:固體絕緣開關是采用環(huán)氧樹脂作為主絕緣材料,將滅弧室、隔離開關一起澆筑成型的電氣設備。針對某 12 kV 固體柜隔離開關存在的絕緣問題,進行絕緣優(yōu)化設計,提出添加屏蔽罩減小隔離開關內部場強的優(yōu)化方案,并采用有限元分析軟件 Ansys Maxwell 對隔離腔體有無屏蔽罩分別進行電場計算。仿真結果表明,添加屏蔽罩能夠有效改善隔離開關腔體內部場強,滿足絕緣要求,通過產品試制與型式試驗,驗證了該仿真方法的有效性。
    關鍵詞: 固體絕緣開關;隔離腔體;屏蔽罩;電場計算
    中圖分類號:TM564.1     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)06-0060-05
Electric Field Analysis and Structure Optimization of
High Voltage Disconnectors
(I-SEER&D International Co.,Ltd, Xiamen 361006, China)
    Abstract: The solid insulated switchgear is an electrical equipment that uses epoxy resin as the main insulating material to make the arc extinguishing chamber and the disconnector pour together. The paper, taking the insulation problem of a 12 kV solid cabinet disconnector as the research object, puts forward a schema of adding a shielding cover to decrease the disconnector internal field intensity to optimize insulation.Then, the finite element analysis software Ansys Maxwell is used to calculate the isolation chamber electric field respectively with and without a shielding cover. The simulation results show that the adding of shielding covers can effectively improve the internal field intensity of the disconnector chamber to meet the requirements of insulation. Moreover, the trial production and type tests verify the effectiveness of this simulation method.
    Key words: solid insulated switchgear; isolation chamber; shielding cover; electric field calculation
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