110 kV冷絕緣超導電纜本體優(yōu)化設計
(1 富通集團(天津)超導技術應用有限公司,天津 300384;
2 天津市超導電纜應用企業(yè)重點實驗室,天津 300384)
摘 要:超導電纜具有線路損耗低、傳輸容量大、走廊占地小、環(huán)境友好等諸多優(yōu)點,可有效提高大容量電網(wǎng)的安全性和穩(wěn)定性。介紹了冷絕緣超導電纜本體設計思路、優(yōu)化方法以及設計時需掌握的原則,并以 110 kV/3 kA 等級的超導電纜為例,通過結構參數(shù)優(yōu)化設計,繞制完成電纜短樣,并在低溫 @77 K 環(huán)境下進行了交、直流通流能力測試,檢驗了優(yōu)化設計的合理性,為類似結構超導電纜的參數(shù)設計提供了借鑒和參考。
關鍵詞: 冷絕緣超導電纜;結構設計;層流分布
中圖分類號:TM26 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2023)05-0024-05
Optimization Design of 110 kV Cold Dielectric Superconductor Cable Body
CAO Yu-jun1,2, ZHU Hong-liang1,2, XIA Fang-min1,2, CHENG Jia-guang1,2
(1 Futong Group (Tianjin) Superconductor Technologies and Applications Co., Ltd, Tianjin 300384, China;
2 Tianjin Enterprise Key Laboratory of Superconducting Cable Applications, Tianjin 300384, China)
Abstract: The superconductor cable has many advantages, such as low line losses, large transmission capacity, small corridor occupation and great environmental friendliness, which can effectively improve the safety and stability of large-capacity power grids. The paper first introduces design thoughts, optimization methods and basic principles of the cold dielectric superconductor cable body. Then, taking the 110 kV/3 kA superconductor cable as an example, it optimizes structural parameters, winds the short sample of the cable and conducts AC and DC flow capacity tests under the low temperature @77 K to verify the rationality of this optimization design, which provides reference for the parameter design of superconductor cables with similar structure.
Key words: cold dielectric superconductor cable; structural design; laminar flow distribution
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