10 kV VS1型開關控制回路斷線缺陷分析與運維策略
(廣東電網(wǎng)有限責任公司中山供電局,廣東 中山 528400)
摘 要: 控制回路斷線是 10 kV VS1 型開關常見缺陷,通過對 10 kV VS1 型開關控制回路斷線缺陷分析,提出了控制回路斷線的檢查和處理步驟,有助于運維人員快速找到控制回路斷線的原因,并結合開關的日常巡視和規(guī)范化檢修,提出了相應的運維策略,以預防和降低控制回路斷線的發(fā)生率。
關鍵詞: 控制回路斷線;VS1 型開關;線圈;閉鎖電磁鐵
中圖分類號:TM564 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2022)07-0045-05
Analysis of the Control Circuit Disconnection of the 10 kV VS1
Switch and the Maintenance and Operational Strategy
ZHOU Heng, HUANG Ri-quan, CHEN Wei-ming, ZENG Ling-cheng, MENG Chen-xu, YAN Chao
(Zhongshan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Zhongshan 528400, China)
Abstract: The control circuit disconnection is a common defect of the 10 kV VS1 switch. This article analyzed the control circuit disconnection defect of the 10 kV VS1 switch. In addition, it proposed the inspection and processing steps for the control circuit disconnection, which could help operator and maintenance personnel find the cause of the control circuit disconnection. Moreover, this paper combined the daily inspection and standardized maintenance of the switch to propose the related strategy of operation and maintenance to help prevent and reduce the incidence of the control circuit disconnection.
Key words: control circuit disconnection; VS1 switch; coil; blocking electromagnet
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