(國網四川省電力公司成都供電公司, 四川 成都 610041)
摘 要:針對某 110 kV 主變在運行中發(fā)現絕緣油中乙炔及總烴含量超標的問題,通過特高頻、超聲波等帶電檢測手段對主變內部缺陷進行分析和定位,并采用基于特高頻局放信號的平分面法精確找到了放電缺陷的位置,通過對主變吊罩發(fā)現鐵芯存在間歇性多點接地,成功驗證了局放定位的準確性,經過分析放電原因及過程,給出了處理此類問題的應對建議。
中圖分類號:TM407 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2022)01-0036-06
Multi-Point Grounding Fault Diagnosis of the Transformer Iron Core
Based on PD Positioning Method
QIU Wei, GAO Jun, LIU Xin, LIU Yan-qin, YANG Hong-quan, ZHOU Bo, GUO Chao, CHENG Peng, LIN Cen
(Chengdu Power Supply Company, State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract: The acetylene and total hydrocarbon in the insulating oil exceed the criteria is a problem that exists in the operation of the 110 kV main transformer. This research used hot-line detection methods, such as ultra-high frequency (UHF) and ultrasonic waves, to analyze and locate the defects of the main transformer. It employed the bisection plane based on ultra-high frequency partial discharge signal to find the location of the discharge defect as well.The article also found the intermittent multi-point grounding of the iron core through the main transformer hanging cover and successfully verified the accuracy of the partial discharge positioning. It proposes suggestions to manage these problems after analyzing the cause and process of the discharge.
Key words: main transformer; PD positioning; iron core; multi-point grounding; oil chromatography
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