Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2021-09-18 12:18 瀏覽次數:618


(南京南瑞繼保電氣有限公司,江蘇 南京 211102)
    摘 要:導引線縱差保護裝置的陸續(xù)停產、備品備件的不足給城市供電帶來一定的安全隱患。在保留原導引線傳輸通道的基礎上,提出了一種基于比率差動的導引線縱差保護裝置替代方案。分析了導引線保護目前存在的問題以及光纖縱差保護的特點;通過光纖縱差保護裝置和導引線調制解調器相互配合,利用模擬調制解調技術實現數據在導引線上的遠距離傳輸,然后借助乒乓法和拉格朗日插值法實現數據同步;闡述了各裝置特點并對關鍵問題進行梳理;通過搭建測試平臺驗證數據通信可靠性并測試比率差動保護動作時間,實驗結果表明:裝置之間通信零丟幀,鏈路故障定位準確,比率差動保護動作時間滿足線路保護要求。
    中圖分類號:TM773     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)09-0023-05
An Alternative Scheme of Guide Line Longitudinal Differential Protection
Device Based on Ratio Differential Protection
DING Li, JIANG Chang-qing, CAI Bo, ZHOU Yong, XU Shu
(Nanjing Nari-Relays Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102, China)
    Abstract: The shortage of guide line longitudinal differential protection devices caused by discontinuing is threatening the power supply of cities. Keeping the original guide line transmission channel remained, an alternative scheme, based on the ratio difference theory, for the guide line longitudinal differential protection device is proposed. Firstly, the existing problems of guide line protection and the characteristics of optical fiber longitudinal differential protection are analyzed. Secondly, the optical fiber protection and guide line modem are cooperated to realize the long-distance transmission of data on the guide line by the utilizing of analog modulation and demodulation technology, and furthermore,the data is synchronized by adopting ping-pong procedure and Lagrange interpolation method. Thirdly, the characteristics of these devices and their key points are elaborated. Finally, a simulation test verified that, there is no frame loss of communication between devices,and the link fault location is accurate, and the action time of ratio differential protection meets the requirements.
    Key words: guide line; optical fibre differential protection; modem; synchronization; ratio differential
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