1 000 kV可控并聯(lián)電抗器安裝工藝與質量驗收要點研究
(國家電網有限公司交流建設分公司,北京 100032)
摘 要:1 000 kV可控并聯(lián)電抗器首次在特高壓工程進行應用,缺少針對性的設備安裝質量工藝控制措施和驗收標準。基于先行國家、行業(yè)和企業(yè)規(guī)范標準,對1 000 kV可控并聯(lián)電抗器的設備組成與特點進行了闡述,重點介紹了電抗器本體和晶閘閥體的安裝工藝與要點,并從現(xiàn)場施工及設備功能性的角度,研究了其施工質量驗收標準,為當下和未來特高壓同類施工提供必要的依據(jù)和參考。
關鍵詞:1 000 kV可控并聯(lián)電抗器;安裝工藝;質量驗收
中圖分類號:TM472 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2020)11-0062-04
Research on Main Points of Installation Technology and Quality
Acceptance of 1 000 kV Controllable Shunt Reactor
JIANG Hai-tao, XIAO Feng, MA Wei-hua, ZHANG Er-le, PAN Hong-cheng, PENG Wang, LIU Zhen
(State Grid AC Engineering Construction Company, Beijing 100032, China)
Abstract: The 1 000 kV controllable shunt reactor was applied for the first time in UHV engineering, the targeted equipment installation quality process control measures and acceptance standards are absent. Based on the national, industry and enterprise standards, the equipment composition and characteristics of 1 000 kV controllable shunt reactor are described. The installation process and main points of the reactor body and thyristor valve body are mainly introduced, and from the site operation and equipment functionality, the construction quality acceptance standard was studied, which provides the necessary basis and reference for the current and future UHV similar construction.
Key words: 1 000 kV controllable shunt reactor; installation process; quality acceptance
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