Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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基于層次分析法的110 kV電網綜合安全風險評估研究

來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2019-08-16 12:16 瀏覽次數:742
基于層次分析法的110 kV電網綜合安全風險評估研究
(1 中國能源建設集團江蘇省電力設計院有限公司,江蘇 南京 211102;
2 國網江蘇省電力有限公司檢修分公司,江蘇 南京 211102)
    摘 要:將電網安全風險相關的網絡拓撲結構、負荷、線路載流量等基礎數據進行標準化處理,根據配電網直接面向負荷的特點,建立起基于負荷損失風險的110 kV電網安全風險計算模型,利用層次分析法與雷達圖將風險指標和標準化處理之后的基礎數據進行聚合,并通過雷達圖反映指標聚合前后的變化,找出影響電網安全風險的關鍵指標。建立起一套基于110 kV電網基礎數據的綜合安全風險評估體系,來反映電網存在的安全風險點,以便于電網運行管理者對影響110 kV電網安全的關鍵指標加以改善。以某地級市電網進行實際測試,結果表明,所述方法能準確反映造成電網安全風險的主要指標,與電網實際運行情況基本相符。
    關鍵詞:110 kV電網;安全風險計算模型;層次分析法;基礎數據聚合;綜合風險評估體系
    中圖分類號:TM732     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)08-0021-05
Research on Comprehensive 110 kV Power Grid Security Risk Assessment Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
FENG Da-wei1, YIN Yun-jian2, WANG Zhen-quan1, GUAN Yong-gao1
(1 China Energy Engineering Group Jiangsu Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 2111 02, China;
2 State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd, Maintenance Branch Company, Nanjing 2111 02, China)
    Abstract: This paper standardized the basic data related to grid security risk, including the topological structure of power grid, load and current carrying capacity of transmission lines. As distribution systems were directly based on load, an 110 kV power grid security risk calculation model based on load loss risk was established to calculate risk indicators. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and radar chart method were used to aggregate the risk indicators and the standardized basic data. Key indicators that affected the power grid security risks could be identified by analyzing the indicators changes before and after the aggregation in the radar chart. This paper established a comprehensive safety risk assessment system based on the basic data of 110 kV power grid to reflect the security risk point existing in power grid, so that the power grid operation administrator could improve the key indicators that affected the 110 kV power grid security. An actual test was carried out on certain city power grid. The results show that the method mentioned above can accurately reflect the main indicators affecting the grid security risks, which is basically consistent with the actual operation of the power grid.
   Key words: 110 kV power grid; security risk calculation model; analytic hierarchy process; essential data aggregate; integrated risk assessment system
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