(1 河南平高電氣股份有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001;2 平頂山天安煤業(yè)股份有限公司十二礦,河南 平頂山 467000)
摘 要:變電站GIS設備在絕緣耐壓試驗中若發(fā)生放電現(xiàn)象,需要整體拆卸或分段加壓確定放電位置,導致工作人員檢修時間長,甚至影響工程進度。設計了一套基于超聲波的無線放電定位系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)采用振動加速度傳感器監(jiān)測壓力波的幅值和累加值確定放電位置,采用放電數(shù)據(jù)頻譜分析確定故障類型。搭建252 kV GIS設備試驗平臺模擬三種典型放電故障,試驗結果證實該系統(tǒng)能夠迅速幫助現(xiàn)場人員確定放電位置及放電類型,減少設備維修時間,減輕人員工作量,加快工程進度。
中圖分類號:TM835 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)05-0017-06
Design of Ultrasonic Wireless Discharge Positioning System Based on Vibration
WANG Yan-mei1, LI Da-peng2, PENG Yue-hui1, WEI Jia-peng1, SONG Xuan-feng1
(1 Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China;
2 Pingdingshan Tian,an Coal. Mining Co., Ltd. No. 12 Coal Mine, Pingdingshan 467000, China)
Abstract: If discharge occurs during the test, the overall disassembly or segmentation pressurization is required to determine the discharge position, resulting in long maintenance time for the staff and even affecting the progress of the project. This paper designed a set of vibration discharge positioning system adopting the vibration acceleration sensor to monitor the amplitude and accumulated value of the pressure wave to determine the discharge position. The fault type was determined by the spectrum analysis of the discharge data. The 252 kV GIS equipment test platform was built to simulate three typical discharge faults. The test results confirmed that the system can quickly help the field personnel to determine the discharge position and discharge type, which can reduce the maintenance time of the equipment, reduce the workload of the personnel, and speed up the project progress.
Key words: gas insulation switchgear; vibration; discharge; positioning; fault
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