(南京工程學院 電力工程學院,江蘇 南京 211167)
摘 要:電壓暫降發(fā)生頻率高、影響范圍廣、造成危害大。針對電力監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)中帶有事故源信息的電壓暫降監(jiān)測數(shù)據(jù)非常有限且不易獲得的問題,提出了一種基于半監(jiān)督支持向量機的電壓暫降源識別方法。分析了各種電壓暫降事故源,利用短時傅里葉變換(STFT)對電壓暫降信號進行時頻分析,提取出各類暫降特性參數(shù),運用半監(jiān)督支持向量機對其進行訓練與識別,實現(xiàn)在少量帶事故源標簽電壓暫降監(jiān)測數(shù)據(jù)下電壓暫降源的可靠識別。算例結(jié)果顯示,在少量標簽數(shù)據(jù)下半監(jiān)督支持向量機比傳統(tǒng)支持向量機具有更高的暫降源識別精度。
中圖分類號:TM714 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)05-0023-04
A New Kind of Method for Identification of Voltage Sags Accident Source
JIANG Xiao-wei, LV Gan-yun, WU Yang
(School of Electric Power Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167 , China)
Abstract: Voltage sag has the characteristics of high frequency, wide influence and great harm, etc. This paper proposed a voltage sag source identification method based on the semi-supervised support vector machine (SVM) in view of the situation that the labeled data with accident source information was very limited and not easy to obtain in the power monitoring system. All kinds of voltage sag sources were analyzed. The short time Fourier transform (STFT) was used for time-frequency analysis. All kinds of voltage sag characteristic parameters were extracted and the semi-supervised SVM was adopted for training and identification to realize the reliable identification of voltage sag sources under the conditions that there was a small number of labeled voltage sag monitoring data. Example results show that the semisupervised SVM has higher identification accuracy than the traditional SVM in the case of a small number of labeled data.
Key words: voltage sag; identification of voltage sags source; short time Fourier transform; semi-supervised support vector machine; labeled data
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