(湖南工業(yè)大學 電氣與信息工程學院,湖南 株洲 412007)
摘 要:提出一種優(yōu)先利用風機自身抵御電網低電壓沖擊的功率協調控制方法。在保證機械軸系安全的前提下,改進雙側變流器電流約束條件,優(yōu)先利用風機轉子和直流母線電容分擔風機低電壓期間產生的不平衡能量;從能量平衡的角度最后使用卸荷電阻,同時控制變槳系統減小風機低壓暫態(tài)期間的風能捕獲能力,實現全風域范圍內安全運行。仿真結果表明,該方法能有效減少卸荷電阻出力并在全風域范圍內提高系統低電壓穿越能力。
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)04-0010-04
Coordinated Control Research on Low Voltage Ride Through in Direct Drive Permanent
Magnet Wind Power Generation System
HUANG Hao, QIN Bin, SHI Meng
(School of Information Science and Electrical, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China)
Abstract: This paper proposed a kind of power coordinated control method, which preferentially took advantage of the fan itself to resist the low voltage impact of power grid. Under the precondition to guarantee the mechanical axis safe, the bilateral converter current constraint condition was improved to preferentially take advantage of the imbalance of energy storage generated when the draught fan rotor and direct current bus capacitor share responsibility for the draught fan low voltage. From the angle of energy balance, the unloading resistance was finally used, at the same time the variable pitch system was used to reduce the wind energy capture capacity during the period of the draught fan low voltage transient state to realize the safe operation in the whole wind range. The simulation results show that this method can effectively reduce the discharge of the unloading resistance and improve the system low voltage ride through ability in the whole wind range.
Key words: wind power generation; low voltage ride through; converter control; pitch angle control; unloading resistance
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