(國網(wǎng)安徽省電力公司調度控制中心,安徽 合肥 230061)
摘 要:風電出力具有隨機性和波動性特點,通過開展風電特性分析及風電場出力預測,可以減輕風電不確定性對電網(wǎng)的影響。分析了風力發(fā)電特性,概述了風電出力預測方法,并建立基于誤差校正的BP神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡模型來進行風速預測,實例計算分析結果表明,該模型有效提高了預測精度。
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2018)04-0014-04
Research on Wind Power Generation Characteristics and Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting
LI You-liang, TIAN Yue-jun, MAI Li, JIA Wei, XU Zi-li
(State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company Dispatching and Control Center, Hefei 230061, China)
Abstract: The output of wind farm have the characteristics of stochastic and fluctuant. Analysis of wind power output and forecasting of wind power or wind speed will reduce the adverse effects of wind power. This paper analyzed the characteristics of wind power generation, summarized the prediction methods of wind power and constructed the BP neural network model based on error correction to carry out wind speed prediction. The living example computational analysis result shows that this model improves prediction accuracy effectively.
Key words: wind power; wind speed; generation characteristic; prediction
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