Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2017-12-19 13:19 瀏覽次數:3
(國網樂山供電公司,四川 樂山 614000)
    摘 要:不同類型的試驗電源會對低電壓短路阻抗試驗數據產生不同的影響。介紹了低電壓短路阻抗法的試驗原理,并利用不同種類的試驗電源對同一臺變壓器進行低電壓短路阻抗測試,對比所測試驗數據的差異后分析可知,在短路阻抗現場試驗時應使用電能質量合格的站內檢修電源,如現場不具備條件,宜使用大容量應急發(fā)電車提供試驗電源;當變壓器短路阻抗試驗數據出現異常時,應及時使用更加可靠的試驗電源進行復測,排除試驗電源的影響,提高試驗數據的準確性。
    中圖分類號:TM406     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2017)12-0056-03
Influence of Test Power Source on Low Voltage Short-Circuit Impedance Test of Transformer
GUO Qiang
(State Grid Leshan Power Supply Company, Leshan 614000, China)
    Abstract: Different type of test power source will have impacts on low voltage short-circuit test data. Introduction was made to the test principle of low voltage short-circuit impedance method. This paper used different kinds of test power sources to carry out low voltage shortcircuit impedance tests for the same transformer. The tested data differences were contrasted and the analysis showed that when the shortcircuit impedance field tests were carried out, the overhauling power source of eligible power quality in the station should be adopted. If the field didn’t meet the requirements, the high-capacity emergency dynamo van could provide the test power source. When the short-circuit impedance test data of the transformer were abnormal, the more reliable test power source should be carried out retest in time, to eliminate the impact of the test power source to improve the accuracy of the test data.
    Key words: test power source; transformer; winding deformation; short-circuit impedance test
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